Cloudy skies early. A few showers developing later in the day. High 76F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%..
Cloudy with occasional showers late at night. Low 63F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
The water tower next to the Whitlock Building on EKU's Campus.
The water tower next to the Whitlock Building on EKU's Campus.
After two years of being vacant, EKU’s Office of Sustainability has hired Rachelanne Knoll as sustainability manager. Knoll, who was hired in January of this year, hopes to revamp EKU’s sustainability efforts.
Founded in 2016, the Office of Sustainability was created to implement the climate action plan, the university’s plan to reduce its carbon footprint to zero by 2036.
“The office came into existence in 2016–that was when the climate action plan, and all that kind of stuff was originated, and we started to have a basic foundation of sustainability,” said Knoll. “I started in January, I've been trying to revamp stuff that fell off within those two years.”
Knoll has already made strides towards a more sustainable campus even in her short time with Eastern. She is currently focused on implementing a composting program to dispose of food waste in Case Dining.
“In the almost nine months I've been here now, the biggest thing I've been able to do is actually get grant funds to create a composting program, so that all of the food waste in the dining hall is composted, and then reused in our soil and fertilizer we use on campus,” said Knoll
Additionally, Knoll is working to incorporate motion censored lighting throughout campus buildings.
“I've looked into motion sensor light switches, possibly doing something with that,” said Knoll. “I've had some students bring up that some of the buildings on campus are just lit up for no reason, so I've been working with facilities for quite some time to figure out how we can make that better.”
Despite these strides, the road to an eco-friendly campus has not been easy. Knoll contributed much of standstill to time, funding and red tape.
“It's hard because a lot of things just take so much time, so it's hard to see really what's going on in the background,” Knoll said. “It really is time and money, the budget has to go to certain things every year, so it only leaves us with so much–it's similar in the sense that there is so much red tape, so much to go through to get these big ideas and initiatives and things done.”
SGA Director of Sustainability, Ximena Patiño, has made similar strides in sustainability efforts across campus.
“Some of the things we've done in the past, of course, include our bottle cap project, that kind of took the majority of last year,” said Patiño. “We collected over 15 pounds of bottle caps, and we're able to turn those into benches, and we actually have those between Case and the Daniel Boone statue.”
However, she believes Eastern is lacking in its efforts. EKU’s smaller impacts are not enough, according to Patiño.
“I think we're moving in the right direction, I have seen a lot of more initiatives, and that's really what it's going to take–smaller initiatives combined with obviously a bigger impact,” said Patiño. “But, we’re by no means doing enough right now, which is why we kind of have the cabinet of sustainability within SGA.”
Patiño echoed Knoll’s statement regarding funding and the lack thereof.
"It's heartbreaking to see that in some aspects EKU is heading in the opposite direction of what it should be, but we are hoping to make it better, come up with a better solution for that,” said Patiño. “For EKU, it's a business, and we understand that. But we also think that, because it is a business for our student body, we should have much bigger of a say.”
The cabinet, now entering its third year of activity, is a temporary organization. According to Patiño, the cabinet informs students about sustainability and the steps needed to reach it.
“The cabinets within SGA are meant to not be there forever. So, in theory, we won't need a sustainability cabinet because our campus will be one hundred percent educated or how to lead sustainable lives, and reduce our carbon footprint,” said Patiño. “In theory, it's kind of a workforce in helping spread that education, and helping motivate students to push for our campus to be more continuous.”
In the upcoming months, Patiño hopes to make a change within bathrooms on campus. Specifically, making sustainable menstrual products available to students and faculty, free of charge.
“One of the projects I want to push for is sustainable and accessible menstrual hygiene products in all bathrooms. Of course, that is a big dream, but I think it's definitely possible,'' said Patiño. “We have the office of sustainability, with a position there, to kind of enhance the student body, with the administrative people and those who are in charge of making those decisions.”
Not all hope is lost, however. Both Patiño and Knoll have hope for Eastern’s story of sustainability.
“I'm already seeing a trend towards a bigger push and more consistent action and drive for making a change,” said Patiño.
“With all of the challenges and not being able to do much for a couple years, we've progressed pretty well over here, with an office of one,” said Knoll. “With how long the sustainability office has existed, and the money we have to work with, I think we're doing the best we can.”
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